David O'Daniel Home Page

David O'Daniel Home Page Page 2 Famous O'Daniel Photo's Page 3  Page 4 photo's  Page 5 Photo's  Page 6 Photo's  Page7 Photo's  Page 8 Photo's  Page 9 Photo's  Page 10 Photo's Guest Book Page LINKS  Page 11 Photo's  Page12 Photo's  Page 13 Photo's Irish stuff Guest Book Photo page 14

Welcome To My Home Page

These Pages are about my family and the O'Daniel name. I will be posting pictures and stories of some famous O'Daniels, and some of the activities of my family on our outings around oklahoma and surrounding areas.

Updated 1/26/2007

Added new photo's of myself after getting down 60 pounds



THIS SITE JUST BUILT ON 2-JUNE-2005, if you see pictures duplicated or wrong captions on the photo's it's not my fault it's this site. :(

If you would like to contact me

E-Mail me here at dvd1966@mail.com

or use the link

this is my wife of 11 years and my son Joseph

Joseph's Kindergarten Graduation